> Museum Overview > Organization
Organizational overview of the National Museum of Korean Contemporary History.
Organizational Chart
Planning & Management Division
- Oversee all HR matters, including managing organization and staff size as well as hiring, managing/developing working condition job training, handling pension and wage payment for civil servants.
- Manage state properties and objects
- Handle legislative and legal matters as well as audits
- Oversee security and state authorizations/certifications
- Receive/deliver, regulate, publish, and preserve documents and manage records
- Maintain and protect Museum building and facilities
Research Division
- Draft and implement plans for the Museum's development
- Formulate, adjust, and evaluate key projects
- Formulate and implement survey/research plans on Korean modern and contemporary history
- Survey, research, find and collect documents, and analyze Korean and overseas sources related to Korean modern and contemporary history
- Organize Korean overseas academic exchanges and conferences on Korean modern and contemporary history
- Publish and distribute academic and research papers
Collection Management Division
- Organize archive of sources on Korean modern and contemporary history
- Collect, acquire, register, and manage artifacts
- Undertake research and scientific preservation of artifacts
- Authorize rental, replication, reproduction, imitation, and photographing of Museum collection
- Oversee matters pertaining to the management and operation of Museum repository/storage
- Oversee matters pertaining to the treatment of artifact donors
- Build and run digital archive on modern and contemporary history
- Oversee matters pertaining to the building and operation of integrated Museum information system
- Oversee matters pertaining to the management and operation of the Museum library/reference room
Exhibitions Division
- Formulate and implement major exhibition-related plans
- Draft and implement plans for short-term, feature, and special exhibits
- Organize and provide assistance with Korean and overseas displays of artifacts of modern and contemporary Korean history
- Oversee design-related matters, including the organization and arrangement of exhibition space and designing of promotional materials for exhibitions
- Develop and manage exhibition contents
Education Division
- Develop and run Museum's education and experiential learning programs
- Manage education facilities and equipment
- Develop and distribute teaching aid and educational materials
- Plan, manage, and run experiential learning center for children
Cultural Relations & Publicity Division
- Formulate and implement comprehensive marketing and PR plans for the Museum
- Produce and distribute PR publications and videos
- Provide assistance with Korean and overseas media coverage and PR activities
- Oversee matters pertaining to exhibit information and visitor convenience
- Oversee matters pertaining to volunteer training and management