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포스터 이미지
Italy and Korea’s 140th: a long-standing friendship All Roads Lead to History, Italy and Korea

02-26-2024(Mon) ~

National Museum of Korean Contemporary History 3rd Thematic Gallery

  • Price : Free
  • Hours :10:00 – 18:00
  • Opening hours will be extended to nine o’clock in the evening on Wednesdays and Saturdays. (Last admission is one hour before the closing time.) For additional inquiries call : +82-02-3703-9200

Opening the Exhibition

전시이미지1 자세한 내용 아래 참조
One hundred forty years have passed since Korea and Italy established diplomatic relations. What does Italy mean to Korea? When asked about Italy, some might think of Milan, the city of fashion; some might remember it as the birthplace of the Renaissance; while others might consider it a country of craftsmen. "Rome wasn't built in a day" might also be the first saying that comes to people's minds. While that familiar saying reminds us of the greatness of the Roman Empire, it sometimes leads us to think about what history means to us. Not only Rome but also today's Italy and Korea were built upon layers and layers of historic moments, nor was the relationship between the two countries built in a single day. One hundred forty years of time are ingrained in it. The two countries have been maintaining an amicable relationship and are now marching forward together, respecting each other's culture and arts. Looking back on some of the key interactions that have occurred between the two countries during that long time can give us a clue as to how they have influenced each other.
1. Encounters

전시이미지1 자세한 내용 아래 참조
In 1884, the Joseon Dynasty and Italy signed a commercial treaty. Each country sent officials to the other who would stay there for the purpose of diplomatic negotiations. Then Italian Consul Carlo Rossetti left behind some text and photos describing Korea at that time, which can be found in a book entitled "Corea e Coreani". The book not only covers the history of the Joseon Dynasty but also contains the author's views and impressions of the country. Photos taken by Rossetti himself tell us what Joseon was like from an Italian's point of view.
2. Sharing

전시이미지1 자세한 내용 아래 참조
Korea and Italy met again because of the Korean War that broke out abruptly in 1950. Italy, which was not a member of the United Nations at that time, sent a medical support unit to Korea. For over three years, from October 1951 to January 1955, Italy offered warmhearted assistance, not only for wounded soldiers but also war-stricken civilians. Through their mutual suffering, the two countries were able to cement their ties. The spirit of assisting others in need has been upheld by Italian fathers and sisters who settled down in Korea early to help people.
3. Communication

전시이미지1 자세한 내용 아래 참조 전시이미지1 자세한 내용 아래 참조

In the 1990s, Korea and Italy saw their interactions begin to further expand. Today, they maintain a cooperative relationship in politics and diplomacy. People from the two countries compete at Olympic Games, sharing tears and laughter. Italy and Korea interact and cooperate on all fronts, from classical to pop music and from films and TV shows to sports, technology and industries. 2024-2025 are the years of cultural exchanges between Korea and Italy. Further cooperation will be witnessed in advanced technologies as Italy is a European leader in aerospace. Joint efforts will also be expected for more vibrant cultural interactions.
4. Draw

전시이미지1 자세한 내용 아래 참조 전시이미지1 자세한 내용 아래 참조

Korea and Italy are connected by the sea as both of them are surrounded by water on three sides. The relationship extends limitlessly under the sky. We're all living in a global world, after all. The picturesque views of Italy and Korea incorporate time and history. The two completely different views often look similar as do their respective histories. The 140 years of time that have passed between the two countries are beautiful. That is a space that allows one to fully feel the time.